E.P. Guidi, Inc. is proficient in the design/build process. With this delivery method, our organization is contracted by the Owner to provide both design and construction services for the project.  The design/build project delivery method offers several advantages to the Owner: 

  • Provides one single point of contact for the Owner during design and construction
  • Simplifies an Owner’s project management administration
  • Maximizes opportunities for the Owner and Design/Builder to develop effective cost control and value engineering strategies
  • Permits an accelerated construction schedule
  • Promotes a cooperative team approach to ensuring on-site construction quality control

When acting as a Design/Builder, we enter into subcontractual agreements with professional architects and engineers to provide required design services. Architects and engineers are selected with the approval of the Owner, based upon their qualifications specific to the project.

We manage the construction phase of the project through its proven Preconstruction, Construction, Postconstruction and Project Management Control scopes of service.